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Microform Viewer/Scanner: Image Adjustments

Using the BCL microform viewer/scanner

Adjusting for a legible image

When you load a microfom, the program defaults to Browsing mode and offers a menu of  mostly self-explanatory image controls on the left side of the screen. Because the original documents that have been filmed can vary in size and format, you may need to adjust the zoom and focus for legible results.

In most cases, the image will load showing you the entire field of the camera lens. Click once on the image to zoom it up to a comfortable reading size. 

If the original image on screen shows very small print, you may need to first use the optical zoom (labeled Zoom Out and Zoom In on the menu) to achieve an image that allows for clear focusing. Click on Zoom In until one page of the document mostly fills the screen.



The text may become very blurry or disappear. Don't panic! Simply Focus In until the text becomes clear.


At this point you can click once on the image to zoom in for easier reading.