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Microform Viewer/Scanner: Cropping and Scanning images

Using the BCL microform viewer/scanner

Scanning documents

While the Capture Full Frame scanning option is available in Browsing Mode, you will need to click on the Cropping tab to enable features that allow you select portions of the full camera image to scan.

Cropping and Scanning images

When you have located your document and adjusted the image quality in Browsing mode, click the Cropping tab at the top of the page to prepare for saving or printing the image(s). You will see new menu options on the left side of the screen. In addition, the image capture menu at the bottom is now fully enabled:



If you wish to save the image exactly as it appears in the camera lens (not necessarily what you are viewing onscreen if you are zoomed in), click Capture Full Frame; a thumbnail of the captured image will appear in the bin just below the scrolling controls. If you want to save just a portion of the camera image, place the cursor at one corner of the area to be cropped, then click and drag the crosshair pointer to cover the desired area. The selection can now be captured by clicking Capture Cropped Area in the menu, or by right-clicking within the cropped area and choosing Scan Selection from the brief menu that appears.


You can select more than one image area by creating additional boxes. The ViewScan program automatically adds them to the cropped image until you either scan/print them or click Clear Selections on the side menu.


The first time you scan a document during a given session, a copyright notice will pop up:



Click OK to indicate you are aware of possible copyright restrictions, and proceed with the scan. You will only need to do this once during a session.

You can view a copy of the image you scanned by clicking on the thumbnail in the image bin.

Clicking once on any image in the bin also allows you to immediately send it to the library printer (printouts cost 5 cents per page) or to adjust quality settings for the image. To save or print your images as a single document, see File Saving and Printing on the next tab.