Most print book review indexes are shelved in the Periodicals Room (lower level) on index tables on the north side of the room, with additional volumes on shelving near those tables.
Book Review Digest (1905-1996) provides citations to and excerpts of reviews of current juvenile and adult fiction and nonfiction in the English language. Books are listed in each volume alphabetically by the author's last name or the title, if there is no primary author. Summaries of each book are also included. Begin by selecting the volume for the year the book was published and work your way forward chronologically.
New York Times Index (1851-1999).This resource indexes the entire contents of the New York Times by subject headings and subheadings. Book reviews can be found under the heading "Books and Literature" in the index. Entries are then arranged alphabetically by the title of the work.
Readers Guide to Periodical Literature (1905-1999). The Reader's Guide indexes book reviews in major newspapers, magazines, and journals. For citations to book reviews, see the "Book Reviews" section at the end of the main index for each volume after 1976. In volumes preceding 1976, reviews are found in the main index. Citations are arranged by the author's last name or the title, if there is no primary author. Begin by selecting the volume for the year the book was published and work your way forward chronologically. Poole's Index to Periodical Literature is the predecessor to Readers Guide and may also contain book reviews.
The subject indexes listed below also include book reviews. In general, search for the book reviews as you would in Readers Guide.
Art Index (1929-1994)
America: History and Life (includes Central and South America) (1964-1997)
Historical Abstracts (for history outside of the Americas) (1955-1994)
Humanities Index (1974-1998)
Index to Book Reviews in Religion (1986-1994)
International Index to Periodical Literature, Social Sciences & Humanities Index, Social Science Index (1924-1997)
If you have questions, contact Renae Stucky