The library lounge is available for individual and group studying whenever the building is unlocked. Be aware the the lounge is occasionally used for banquets and meetings and is not always available for studying.
There are several study tables located in the lounge and on the mezzanine right outside the BC Library entrance.
Study/lounge areas are located in the Academic Center, Krehbiel Science Center, and designated areas in the residence halls.
The library strives to create safe spaces for a variety of learning styles.
Quiet study areas are designated on the upper level (book stackes) and lower level (periodicals) of the library. On the main level of the library (a service area), expect more activity and noise. However, since studying/learning/writing takes place on the main level, please keep conversations at a normal tone of voice or quieter. If you enjoy music while studying, the library has headphones at the front desk for you to check out.
More vigorous conversation can take place in the outer library lounge, which is usually available for student use.
Please report excessive noise in designated quiet areas to library staff.
Individual study carrels are located on the main and upper levels. Some carrels upstairs are equipped with lights.
Individual study rooms are located on the upper level in the old building.
Group study rooms (including the Harms Room and the New York Times Room) are located in the old building, upper level.
--Group study rooms may only be reserved by faculty for class meetings. All other use is first come, first served.
Lounge areas with comfortable furniture are located on all levels of the library, including the outer library lounge.
Coffee, tea and hot chocolate are available on the main level of the library when you bring your own mug. Ask library staff for help making coffee or getting water for the coffee/hot water makers.
Coffee and tea are free, but we welcome donations!
For QUALITY coffee, beverages, and snacks, we recommend 1887 Cafe, the awesome coffee shop in the Schultz Student Center. You are welcome to bring your beverages into the library in a covered container.