Listed below are a variety of databases that will include nursing and/or medical journal articles.
If you have questions or problems logging into databases off campus, contact Renae Stucky or Barbara Thiesen.
*NEW* Google sign in.
Once you've set up a personal My EBSCO account (see below), you can use your favorite Google credentials (Bethel or person) to log into EBSCOhost when you are off-campus. NOTE: YOU MUST SET THIS UP WHILE YOU ARE ON CAMPUS FIRST.
You MUST be signed into your Google account before beginning this process. You're signed into Google if your Google email is open and/or you've logged into Google in your browser.
You'll see this at the top of the page:
Click on "Sign In." You'll see this form:
Ignore most of the form! Just click on the "Sign up with Google" icon. Since you're already signed into a Google account, you'll see something like this:
Select the account you want. You'll see this screen:
Click the Consent button and you'll be authenticated into EBSCOhost. You'll now be able to log in off campus using this link:
When ON CAMPUS, set up a "My EBSCOhost" account.
(Here are INSTRUCTIONS.) Once that account is set up, you can log in remotely. USE THE LINK ON THE LIBRARY HOMEPAGE YOU NORMALLY USE FOR ON-CAMPUS ACCESS. Plus, with a My EBSCOHost account, you can save search results, persistent links to searches, search alerts, journal alerts, and web pages to your personal My EBSCOhost folder.