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Bethel College Library FAQs: How do I access databases off campus?

You can log into our databases using a variety of methods outlined below.  Some are open to search from anywhere (like the library catalog), but others require you to use a user name/password to use the resource off-campus.

Use this guide to learn how to login to access databases (EBSCOhost and others), the library catalog, the library ebook collection, and even your personal network files. 

Note: Your regular BC login info will not work for every resource. 

The library catalog: Voyager

The library catalog is freely accessible to all.

BC students/faculty/staff only: To login to your account to see what you have checked out and to renew items:

1. Go to the My Account tab

2. Enter your institution ID (the number on your campus ID)

3. Enter your last name.

Accessing ProQuest Ebook Central

To login into ProQuest Ebook Central and view ebooks:

username: your email prefix (the part that comes before "") EX: hermanbubbert

password: your entire email address EX:

You may change your password after you've logged in using the above information.

EBSCOhost off campus - Username/password login

If you have questions or problems logging into databases off campus, contact Renae Stucky or Barbara Thiesen.

In order to search all of our EBSCO databases when off-campus, you need to log in.  There are several ways to do this. 

User name/Password log in (most people use this).

1.  Click on this link:  OFF-CAMPUS EBSCOHOST ACCESS

2.  You'll see this screen.  

PATRON ID = Your Bethel email prefix*

PASSWORD = Your Bethel campus ID number

Here's a picture of a campus ID card with an ID number (pretend) of 1234:

3.  Once you are logged in, you'll see all available EBSCO databases. For EBSCOHost resources click "Select another EBSCO resource" at the top left corner of the screen.

*"email prefix" is what comes BEFORE  So, for, "hermanbubbert" is the email prefix.

Video tutorial

EBSCOhost off campus - Google sign in

If you have questions or problems logging into databases off campus, contact Renae Stucky or Barbara Thiesen.

*NEW* Google sign in

Once you've set up a personal My EBSCO account (see below), you can use your favorite Google credentials (Bethel or person) to log into EBSCOhost when you are off-campus.  NOTE:  YOU MUST SET THIS UP WHILE YOU ARE ON CAMPUS FIRST.

You MUST be signed into your Google account before beginning this process.  You're signed into Google if your Google email is open and/or you've logged into Google in your browser.


You'll see this at the top of the page:  

Click on "Sign In."  You'll see this form:

Ignore most of the form!  Just click on the "Sign up with Google" icon.  Since you're already signed into a Google account, you'll see something like this:

Select the account you want. You'll see this screen:

Click the Consent button and you'll be authenticated into EBSCOhost.  You'll now be able to log in off campus using this link:

When ON CAMPUS, set up a "My EBSCOhost" account.

(Here are INSTRUCTIONS.) Once that account is set up, you can log in remotely.  USE THE LINK ON THE LIBRARY HOMEPAGE YOU NORMALLY USE FOR ON-CAMPUS ACCESS. Plus, with a My EBSCOHost account, you can save search results, persistent links to searches, search alerts, journal alerts, and web pages to your personal My EBSCOhost folder.


Accessing ALL databases (and your network files) off-campus using Windows Remote Desktop


Use this method if you want to:

-use databases such as ProQuest Allied Health or Nexis Uni.

-access files you've saved on the campus server

Click HERE for instructions from IMS for how to use the Windows Remote Desktop