The references listed here are probably not exhaustive, but we have tried to list the items we are aware of.
Adrian, Marlin. "General Conference Mennonite Missions and Native American Religions (Part 1)," Mennonite Life 44:1 (Mar. 1989): 4-9.
Adrian, Marlin. "General Conference Mennonite Missions and Native American Religions (Part 2)," Mennonite Life 44:2 (June 1989): 4-9.
Adrian, Marlin Wayne. "Mennonites, Missionaries, and Native Americans: Religious Paradigms and Cultural Encounters." Ph. D. dissertation, University of Virginia, 1989.
Barrett, Lois. The Vision and the Reality: The Story of Home Missions in the General Conference Mennonite Church. Newton, KS: Faith and Life Press, 1983. Chapters 2-4, pp. 15-74, covers Native American missions.
Becker, A. J. "A Short History of Post Oak Mission, Indiahoma, Okla." Unpublished typescript, 1932.
Block, Alvina. "Changing Attitudes: Relations of Mennonite Missionaries with Native North Americans 1880 to 2004." Ph. D. dissertation, University of Manitoba, 2006.
Busenitz, Willis. "Rodolphe Charles Petter, Linguist," Mennonite Life 61:2 (June 2006).
Carter, Joseph Leroy. Dian Takes to the Indians. El Reno, OK: Heritage Color Press, 1979. (about Dian Lugenbuehl Meschberger 1858-1954)
Constitution of Our Indian Mennonite Churches in Oklahoma and Montana. N.p.: ca. 1920?
Dorsey, George A. "The Stanley-McCormick Hopi Expeditions," Science N.S. 13: 319 (Feb. 8, 1901): 219-222. (discusses the connections between Dorsey, the Field Museum in Chicago, and H. R. Voth)
Dyck, Stanley P. "The Halstead Indian Industrial School," Mennonite Life 42:2 (June 1987): 4-10.
Dyck, Stanley P. "Mennonites and the Northern Cheyennes: Conflict, Crisis, and Change on the Tongue River Reservation, 1904-1947." Ph. D. dissertation, Oklahoma State University, 1993.
Eggan, Fred. "H. R. Voth: Ethnologist," Mennonite Life 37:2 (June 1982): 14-19. (Reprinted in 50th anniversary issue of Mennonite Life 51:1-2 (March/June 1996): 30-36.
Frey, Jacob B. "My Graduation from Bethel College and Our Fifty Year Missionary Career Since." (unpublished essay, ca. 1950)
Goossen, Irvy. Planting the Seed in a Dry and Thirsty Land. N. p.: Goossen, 2006. (Holdeman Mennonite mission to Navajos)
Graber, Dave. "The Cheyenne Hymns, the Hymnbook, and Plains Indian Culture." Mennonite Life 61:2 (June 2006).
Graber, Jennifer. "Past Encounter, Present Resonance." Anabaptist Witness 7:2 (Nov 2020).
Habegger, David L. Reflections on Mission Work in Busby, Montana. Frt. Wayne, IN: Habegger, 1999.
Habegger, Lois R. Cheyenne Trails: A History of Mennonites and Cheyennes in Montana. Newton, KS: Mennonite Publication Office, [1959?].
Hart, Lawrence. "Connections Past, Present, and Future," Mennonite Life 56:4 (December 2001).
Hart, Lawrence. "Naevahoo'ohtseme—'We Are Going Back Home': Repatriating a Young Cheyenne Girl Killed at the Sand Creek Massacre." In Sacred Objects and Sacred Places: Preserving Tribal Traditions, ed. Andrew Gulliford, 33-38. Niwot, CO: University of Colorado Press, 2000.
Hart, Lawrence. "Sand Creek and Oklahoma City: Constructing a Common Ground," Mennonite Life 52:4 (Dec. 1997): 33-37.
Hiebert, Russell. "J. B. Frey: Missionary to the Hopis." Student paper, Bethel College, 1967.
Hillegass, Margaret Dietzel. "Rodolphe Petter: A 'Called' Linguist," Mennonite Life 37:2 (June 1982): 4-7.
Hinz-Penner, Raylene. "Corn Stalk," Mennonite Life 61:3 (September 2006).
Hinz-Penner, Raylene. Searching for Sacred Ground: The Journey of Chief Lawrence Hart, Mennonite. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2007.
Hinz-Penner, Raylene. "Writing a Life: Lawrence Hart," Mennonite Life 59:3 (September 2004).
"Historical Data, General Conference Mennonite Missions, Oklahoma." Unpublished typescript, 1938?
Hopi Gospel Songs: For Church and Street Services in Hopi-Land. N.p., 1931. "Comp. by the missionaries under the direction of the Mennonite and Baptist Mission Boards."
Hopi Gospel Songs: For Church and Street Services in Hopi-Land. N.p., 1972. "Compiled by the missionaries under the direction of the Mennonite and Baptist Mission Boards." (Pp. 1-140 reprinted from 1931 edition; pp. 141-320 [!] compiled, edited and arranged by Rev. John P. Suderman. Includes 274 hymns with indexes. Cover title: Lomátuawh̊-tatáwi.
Hopiẙkwa Lomatuawh̊ Tātawwi = Hopi gospel songs. N.p., 1918.
"Indian Territory," Mennonite Life 35:2 (June 1980): 4-9. (special issue on Mennonite missions)
Jantzen, Albert Leonard. Albert Leonard Jantzen: A Walk with the Lord. Phoenix, AZ: Grace Jantzen, 1994.
Jantzen, Mark. "The Darlington Mission in Theodor Fontane's Novel Quitt," Mennonite Life 61:2 (June 2006).
Janzen, John M. "Tsistsistas in Kauffman Museum: On the Making and Meaning of the Cheyenne Segment in the Permanent Exhibition 'Of Land and People,'" Mennonite Life 61:2 (June 2006).
Juhnke, James C. "General Conference Mennonite Missions to the American Indians in the Late Nineteenth Century," Mennonite Quarterly Review 54 (April 1980): 117-134.
Juhnke, James C. "George Armstrong Custer and Samuel S. Haury," Mennonite Life 61:2 (June 2006).
Juhnke, James C. "The Original Peacemakers: Native America," Mennonite Life 56:4 (December 2001).
Juhnke, James C. A People of Missions: A History of General Conference Mennonite Overseas Missions. Newton, KS: Faith and Life Press, 1979. Chapter 1, "Prologue," pp. 1-14, discusses Native American missions.
Kaufman, Edmund G., comp. General Conference Mennonite Pioneers. North Newton, KS: Bethel College, 1973. Chapters on Samuel S. Haury, Heinrich R. Voth, and Rodolphe C. Petter.
Kaufman, Edmund G. "Mennonite Missions among the Oklahoma Indians," Chronicles of Oklahoma 40:1 (spring 1962): 41-54.
Kinsinger, Bertha E. Cheyenne Mission Souvenir. [Cantonment, OK]: Kinsinger, 1911.
Kliewer, Henry H. "Experiences in my pioneer life on the frontier farm and in the mission and also in the United States government service among the Arapaho and Cheyene Indians in Oklahoma Territory." (translated from German, translation printed ca. 1990?)
Kreider, Robert. "Along the Cheyenne Heritage Trail: Travel Notes, Musings, Reflections," Mennonite Life 56:4 (December 2001).
Kroeker, Marvin E. Comanches and Mennonites on the Oklahoma Plains: A. J. and Magdalena Becker and the Post Oak Mission. Winnipeg, MB: Kindred Productions, 1997.
Kroeker, Marvin E. "Natives and Settlers: The Mennonite Invasion of Indian Territory," Mennonite Life 61:2 (June 2006).
Linscheid, Anna Sidonia Hirschler. The American Indians, Our Challenge! Newton, KS: Mennonite Publication Office, 1940. (pamphlet)
Linscheid, Anna Sidonia Hirschler. The American Indians, Our Challenge! Newton, KS: Literature Committee of the Women's Missionary Association, General Conference of the Mennonite Church of North America, 1950. (reprint of 1940 pamphlet)
Linscheid, Anna Sidonia Hirschler. "Geschichtlicher Ueberblick über die Oklahoma mission der Allg. Konferenz der Mennoniten von N.A.". 97pp. Typescript of article published in Christliche Bundesbote, vol. XLIX, no. 23-36, 1930, with title: 50 jährige Jubiläum unserer Indianermission.
Linscheid, Anna Sidonia Hirschler. "Historical sketch of the General Conference Mennonite mission enterprise in Oklahoma, 1880 to 1930." 84pp. Typescript. Translation of: Geschichtlicher Uberblick über die Oklahoma Mission der Allg. Konferenz der Mennoniten von N.A.
Linscheid, Anna Sidonia Hirschler. Rev. G. A. Linscheid: Reminiscences of Our Life among the Cheyenne Indians. Newton, KS: Women's Missionary Society, General Conference Mennonites, 1944. (pamphlet)
Linscheid, Gustav A. "Brief Survey of Our Missionary Activity in Oklahoma." Unpublished typescript, 1935.
Linscheid, Gustav A. "Mennonite Missions among the American Indians = Mennonitische Mission unter den Indianern Amerikas." Unpublished typescript, 1918?
Linscheid, Gustav A.; and Anna Sidonia Hirschler Linscheid. It Happened So: A Story of How God Leads and Directs in the Every Day Affairs of Life. Bluffton, OH: Women's Missionary Society, General Conference Mennonites of North America, 1927. Also published in German: Es Geschah Also. (pamphlet)
Linscheid, Ruth C. Red Moon. Newton, KS: printed by United Printing, 1973. (memoir)
Mennonite Life 10:3 (July 1955). Issue on the 75th anniversary of Oklahoma missions.
Mission to the Cheyennes. Newton, KS: Board of Missions, General Conference Mennonite Church, 1961.
Notarianni, Diane Marie. "Making Mennonites: Kinship and Gender in Christian Transformation: Christian Mission and the Orayvi 1890-1940." Ph. D. dissertation, Arizona State University, 1997.
Pannabecker, Rachel, "Kauffman Museum and NAGPRA," Mennonite Life 61:3 (September 2006).
Petter, Rodolphe. Cheyenne Grammar. Newton, KS: Mennonite Publication Office, 1952.
Petter, Rodolphe. "Cheyenne Images: A Photo Essay," Mennonite Life 37:2 (June 1982): 8-13.
Petter, Rodolphe. English-Cheyenne Dictionary. Kettle Falls, WA: Valdo Petter, 1915. 1126pp.
Petter, Rodolphe, trans. Hosz maheo heēszistoz : Portions of the Old and the New Testament. Cantonment, OK: Petter, 1913.
Petter, Rodolphe Charles, "How I Became a Missionary," Mennonite Life 10:1 (Jan. 1955): 4-13.
Petter, Rodolphe. Maheo henitae-histanovestoz: zeotoese-hesetovaomohettoz ́vovoe-histanova na Maheonoxtoenoe-manhastova = The Kingdom of God: in Its Development from the Creation down thru the History of Israel. Lamedeer, MT: Petter, 1926. (Cover title: Portions of the Old Testament Maheone-eszistoz.) (Literal and paraphrastic translations from the Old Testament together with their New Testament connections.)
Petter, Rodolphe. Nivova-pavhosto = the four Gospels. Lame Deer, MT: Petter, 1928.
Petter, Rodolphe. Pavhosto--the Gospels of Luke and John. Cantonment, OK: Petter, 1912.
Petter, Rodolphe. Pavostō zeoxchešenitotahaōez Luke na John niš hevovistomosseon Jesus Christ = The Gospels of Luke and John. Berne, IN: Witness Print, 1902.
Petter, Rodolphe. Reminiscences of past years in mission service among the Cheyenne and Two life sketches of Vxzeta and Vohokass by Bertha K. Petter. Lame Deer, MT: Petter, 1936?. There was also a German edition of this: Einiges aus meinen Missionserfahrungen in den vergangenen Jahren and Zwei Lebensskizzen von Vxzeta und Vohokass von Bertha K. Petter.
Petter, Rodolphe. "Sketch of the Cheyenne Grammar," Memoirs of the American Anthropological Association 1:6 (1905-1907): 443-478.
Petter, Rodolphe. Two Light Bearers. Berne, IN: The Mennonite, 193?. "A reprint from The Mennonite." (pamphlet)
Petter, Rodolphe, trans. Zemona hoemao maheon-hoestomohestova zeēnano : ninitaehaman na nivostanevstomanehaman Jesus Maheonxostaanasz. New York: American Bible Society, 1934. (New Testament in Cheyenne)
Petter, Rodolphe. Zesse-nemeoxtoz = (Cheyenne songs). Cantonment, OK: Petter, 1907.
Petter, Rodolphe. Zesse-nemeoxtoz = (Cheyenne songs). 2nd ed. N.p.: Petter, 1909.
Petter, Rodolphe. Zesenemeoxtoz = (Cheyenne songs). 3rd ed. Kettle Falls, WA: Petter, 1916.
Petter, Rodolphe. Zesenemeoxtoz = (Cheyenne songs). 5th ed. N.p.: Petter, 1923.
Petter, Rodolphe. Zesenemeoxtoz = (Cheyenne hymns). 7th ed. Lame Deer, MT: Petter, 1942.
Petter, Rodolphe. Zistxuistō, or, Cheyenne reading book. Quakertown, PA: U. S. Stauffer, 1895.
"Photos: A Selection from the 'Journey from Darlington,'" Mennonite Life 61:2 (June 2006). (Photos from the Cheyenne, Arapaho, Mennonite: Journey from Darlington history conference, Clinton, Oklahoma, spring 2006.)
Schmidt, Kimberly D. "'The Selected Ones': Uncovering the Peaceful Women's History of the Southern Cheyenne," Mennonite Life 61:3 (September 2006).
Schmidt, Kimberly D. "Step-Mothering on the Mennonite Cheyenne Mission Field: The Letters of Olga Petter Schroeder and Bertha Kinsinger Petter," Mennonite Life 68 (2014).
Seventy-five years of General Conference mission work : Among the Cheyenne and Arapaho Indians in Oklahoma. Newton, KS: General Conference Mennonite Church Board of Missions, 1955. (pamphlet)
Sharp, John. "Mennonites and Native Americans: A Reconciliation?" Mennonite Life 61:2 (June 2006).
Stauffer, Anna G. Hopi Mission Field. Newton, KS: Herald Publishing, 1926. (pamphlet)
Stauffer, Anna G. Hopi Mission Pamphlet. Newton, KS: Herald Publishing, 1926. "Prepared for Pacific District Conference." (maybe same text as Hopi Mission Field pamphlet?)
The Story of Post Oak M. B. Mission to the Comanches. Hillsboro, KS: Board of Foreign Missions, 1948.
Suderman, John P. A Hopi Indian Finds Christ: The Experience of Mr. K. T. Johnson and His Judgment on Idolatry. Oraibi, AZ: Suderman, 1949? (pamphlet)
Suderman, Mabel Wedel. Our Mission among the Hopi Indians of Northern Arizona. N.p.: ca. 1945. (pamphlet)
Sweezy, Carl. The Arapaho Way: A Memoir of an Indian Boyhood. New York: Clarkson N. Potter, 1966. (Sweezy was a student at the Mennonite schools in Darlington and Halstead and went on to become a famous artist)
Thiesen, Barbara A. "Every Beginning Is Hard: Darlington Mennonite Mission, 1880-1902," Mennonite Life 61:2 (June 2006).
Thiesen, Daniel S. "The Jacob B. Frey Story." Unpublished typescript, 198?.
Thiesen, John D. "'Deep Fall': The End of Samuel S. Haury's Missionary Career," Mennonite Life 72 (2018).
Thiesen, John D. "Rodolphe Petter and General Conference Missions," Mennonite Life 40:3 (Sept. 1985): 4-10.
Thiesen, John D. "Some Clarity on an Old Mystery," blog post on the Anabaptist Historians blog, Nov. 7, 2017, about Samuel S. Haury's departure from mission work because of sexual misbehavior
Trotta, Cathy Ann. "Crossing Cultural Boundaries: Heinrich and Martha Moser Voth in the Hopi Pueblos, 1893-1906." Ph. D. dissertation, Northern Arizona University, 1997.
Trotta, Cathy Ann. "Mennonite Missionary Martha Moser Voth in the Hopi Pueblos, 1893-1910." In Strangers at Home: Amish and Mennonite Women in History, ed. Kimberly D. Schmidt, Diane Zimmerman Umble, and Steven D. Reschly, 182-207. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002.
Unrau, Neil. "Peace Themes in General Conference Mission Work with the Cheyenne and Hopi Tribes, 1880-1960." Master's thesis, Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminaries, 1983.
Voth, H. R. "Arapaho Tales," Journal of American Folk-lore 25:95 (Jan-Mar 1912): 43-50.
Voth, H. R. "Heinrich R. Voth (1855-1931)," Mennonite Quarterly Review 40:3 (July 1966): 217-226. (consists of Voth's brief autobiography, edited by John F. Schmidt)
Voth, H. R. The Henry R. Voth Hopi Indian Collection at Grand Canyon, Arizona: A Catalogue Prepared for the Fred Harvey Company in 1912. Phoenix, AZ: Byron Harvey, 1967.
Voth, H. R. "Historical Notes of the First Decade of the Mennonite Mission Work among the Hopi of Arizona." Unpublished paper, 1923.
Voth, H. R. "Hopi Images: A Photo Essay," Mennonite Life 37:2 (June 1982): 20-25. (Note: Photos of Hopi ceremonial activities have been removed from this online version.)
Voth, H. R. Hopi publications. During the time period of 1900-1912, Voth published 10 short books on Hopi with the Field Museum in Chicago, and one article in American Anthropologist. These are widely available on the internet, but because they are considered invasive by the Hopi we are not listing them here.
Weaver, Stanley. Black Mountain Beginnings: The Story of the Navajo Mennonite Churches. Phoenix, AZ: Weaver, 2023.
Wenger, Malcolm, ed. Columbus 500: Resources for Thinking about the Coming of the Europeans to North America and the Events That Followed. Newton, KS: General Conference Mennonite Church, Commission on Home Ministries, 1992. (14 pp.)
Wenger, Malcolm, Esther, and Ann. Healing the Wounds: One Family's Journey among the Northern Cheyenne. Kitchener, ON: Pandora Press, 2001.
Wright, Barton. Hopi Material Culture: Artifacts Gathered by H. R. Voth in the Fred Harvey Collection. Flagstaff, AZ: Northland Press, 1979. (Intro. by Byron Harvey III; essay on H. R. Voth by Fred Eggan)
Zesse-nemeoxtoz = (Cheyenne songs). [Cantonment, OK]: Printed in the interest of the Mennonite Mission, 1907.