Changes in hours will be posted on campus Announce lists as well as this website.
EBSCOhost on campus |
Use this link when you're in your residence hall, the library, classroom buildings, or on the campus network |
EBSCOhost off campus |
Use this link when you're off campus. You'll be prompted for your EMAIL PREFIX (e.g., hermanbubbert from the email address " and your CAMPUS ID NUMBER. (See example below). |
EBSCOhost off campus (Google sign-in) |
To sign on using your Google credentials, you MUST set up this account while ON CAMPUS. Here are INSTRUCTIONS. |
What's my campus ID (needed for off campus sign on)? It's the number beneath your name!
How do I access library databases off-campus?
Where can I find a quiet place to study?
How can I tell if it's a scholarly article?
How do I print/copy materials in the library?
How do I request an interlibrary loan?
How do I use the elevator? It's confusing!
Are there computers I can use in the library?
Where is the photocopier and how much does it cost?
Are there other questions you'd like answered?
Send a message to the librarians so we know what you need to know!