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Essential Study Skills: Creating a Semester Plan

What is a semester plan?

A semester plan is a master schedule of everything that you need to get done over the course of the semester. Your instructors provide you with your due dates for the semester though the Course Section Information (CSI) document for each course. A semester plan displays your due dates in one place and helps your remember when you have a due date coming up.This module will show you how to use all of the due dates for each of your courses to create a semester plan.

Strategies for Creating a Semester Plan

  • Highlight the big ones.Calendar icon highlighting big tasks.Highlight the biggest item for each course so that these key dates stand out.
  • Highlight busy weeks.Calendar icon highlighting busy weeks.Highlight the weeks that are going to be your biggest weeks of the semester.
  • Update your plan.Calendar icon with update icon on topAdd any new deadlines to your Semester Plan that pop up over the semester.
  • Display your plan.Calendar icon hanged in a wall.Put your Semester Plan somewhere where you will look at it frequently.
  • Don’t erase completed assignments.Calendar icon with do not erase icon on topCross items off of the plan as they are completed and keep them as visual reminders of the things that you are getting done.

How to Create a Semester Plan

View the videos below and use the templates on the lower left side of this page.