Many of the articles in CINAHL are full text (available to view/print online).
If an article is not full text, you will need try one of the options listed under "How do I track down an article" below.
Click the Request Inter Library Loan button (see image above) on the record for the article you want. Fill out the request form and submit it. You will be notified via e-mail when your article arrives.
If you have questions, contact Renae Stucky
If EBSCO doesn't have the full text (designated by a PDF or HTML icon), you may find a Full Text Finder link. Clicking on it will take you out of EBSCO and to where the full text is present (often ProQuest.) FTF works most of the time but not all of the time! If you still can't find full text, submit an interlibrary loan request for the item.
This is what you get after clicking on Full Text Finder:
You can also see how FTF found its results by clicking the pale yellow bar/link at the top of the page: